"Ceramic Artist x Chef" opens up new ceramics.
Japanese ceramics have a natural texture and rich expression.
We want to create new scenery not only for Japanese cuisine, but also for cuisines from all over the world.
This is a project that will be developed through a dialogue between Mashiko's artists and chefs.
Our goals are as follows
We create ceramics with a new interpretation based on the traditional techniques and styles of Mashiko, Japan.
We aim to create simple and minimalist works of art using nature as a motif.
To understand the value of the clay of Mashiko and to create new possibilities and expressions.
Work on sustainable production methods and repair methods that take the natural environment into consideration.
Planning: Manaka Hideyuki (Moderno Corporation)
Supervisor: Matsuzaki Ken (Yushin Gama Co., Ltd.)
Photo: Matsuzaki Kan
Nature on a plate.
This is a theme for me.
Ceramics itself is an expression of nature and the beauty created by Japanese ceramics and cuisine.
I wanted to make the Japanese culture, movements and traditional beauty that I have come in contact with since I was a child my own, and my desire to make it my own has grown stronger over the years.
I wanted more people to use not only Japanese food but also Japanese pottery, and I wanted to spread it to the world.
Through an encounter with Mr. Ken Matsuzaki, we were able to formulate the concept of a tableware brand that we had in mind for some time.
The idea of GENDO was born out of an encounter with Ken Matsuzaki. We have also become increasingly aware of the issues surrounding food culture itself, and the GENDO brand is one way of giving form to this "message". Each artist already has his own style.
With the GENDO brand, we hope to expand a new world of beauty with chefs, with a different expression.
Manaka Hideyuki
企画:眞中 秀幸(株式会社モデルノ)
監修:松崎 健(有限会社 遊心窯)
撮影:松崎 幹
これは僕のひとつのテーマです。 陶磁器自体が自然表現である日本の陶磁器と料理が生み出す美。 幼少から触れてきた日本文化、所作、伝統美への憧れを自分のものにしたい、その思いは年々強まりました。和食に限らず日本の器をもっと使って欲しい、世界に広げたいとも思っていました。
作家との交流を初めて15年余、松崎健さんとの出会いで以前からイメージのあった器ブランドの構想を形作ることができました。それが 「GENDO」です。
また食文化そのものについての問題意識も強くなり、その「メッセージ」を形にするひとつの方法としてGENDOブランドがあります。 作家はすでにそれぞれのスタイル(作品)があります。このGENDOブランドではもうひとつの表現を持ち料理人と共に新たな美の世界を広げていきたいと願っています。